Friday, April 15, 2011

Moved by Graciousness...

We've had some amazing financial support in the last few weeks and God continues to amaze us through others.  When Jason and I began leaning toward an international adoption, we knew money was going to be a huge hurdle.  From the beginning I wanted this process to not only remind me but show others just how big God is.  We don't have high yearly incomes and knew that getting money to bring this baby home would be a complete step of faith. 
Our journey is not just about us and friends and family have made that very clear.  God is working in the hearts of those around us and to that we are so grateful.  We've witnessed giving already like we've never experienced and I'm not sure how you tell someone "thank you" for something like that.  Your faithfulness to Him has blessed us!
People at work have been buying wristbands this week and showing their support.  That's a big deal to us and it melts my heart every single time it happens.  We've been blessed by a great group of co-workers that are quickly feeling like family.
God is good; He is faithful; and He is BIG.

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